Presenting 4,000
Supporting 1,000
Kesten-Brown Insurance, LLC.
a Division of People's United Insurance Agency
Main Event Tickets
$75 Prepaid-$85 at door
Enjoy an incredible evening of tastings and beverages with all you can eat & drink from more than <20?> restaurants and wineries.
Online tickets available only until noon Thursday May 4th. Tickets available at the door for $85.
Live music by Green Eyed Lady:
“Best of the Gold Coast’ winner
“Best of Fairfield Living” winner
Support CLASP’s “Balloons for Life" Campaign
Purchase a Balloon!
Each balloon that is purchased will be prominently displayed at the 2017 Taste of Westport event on May 4th. The donor’s name will be printed on each balloon and in our program journal.
$50.00 for a “Compassionate” Black Balloon
$100.00 for a “Tender” Red Balloon
$150.00 for an “Affectionate” Silver Mylar Balloon
$300.00 for a Mixed Bunch of “Devoted” Balloons (5)
Balloons for Life!
Please purchase our balloons in support of CLASP’s “Commitment for Life” to the 85 men and woman with autism & development disabilities that we serve every hour of every day.
As a parent, what are the fears for your adult children that loom largest? The most ominous to me are the same ones that carry over from their childhood; their safety and well-being. The fear that we won’t always be around to protect them.
In our “CLASP Family”, we have many folks whose parents are gone.
For a lucky few there are wonderful supportive siblings who work with CLASP to fill the void left by the loss of their parents. But too many of our residents have no family at all. That’s when our commitment and dedication matter the most! We’re here for the long haul. So many people come to us with so little. We make a home for them, care for them and encourage them to live their lives to the fullest. As they age and require more care, their CLASP family is many times, the only family that’s with them when life comes full circle.
Neal’s parents passed away a number of years ago. Then, CLASP group home manager, John T, recalls his last hospital visit with Neal’s father. John asked if there was anything he could to do, the reply was simple, “Pray and Take care of Neal”. He made that promise and is still taking care of Neal, as Neal is challenged with mounting health problems as he now is aging himself.
Dolores parents are gone too. Her Mom taught and did many craft projects with her that she shared with neighbors and friends throughout her life. CLASP carries on the torch Dolores mom ignited. Dolores’ staff know how much she enjoys crafting and she now shares the fruits of her labor with her CLASP family.
The list goes on and on.
Please purchase our balloons in support of CLASP’s “Commitment for Life” to the 85 men and woman with autism & development disabilities that we serve every hour of every day.